Enoch and Rev. Shirl Love
'Leadership, Love and Legacy'
Thank you, Enoch Love for teaching us the value of hard work, determination and being confident in the plan God has for you. There were so many life lessons in this discussion. Here's what I heard you say.
1. Have a strategy. Without direction, you waste valuable time and resources.
2. Do your research to understand the operations, culture complexities, corporate structure and its underpinnings, so that you can make informed choices; never to be led to confusion, but to control your destiny.
3. When ever time, and opportunity presents itself, be prepared to rebrand.
4. Always answer the WHY?
5. Satisfy your thirst for knowledge, wisdom, leadership, positioning and serving others.
Thank you, Rev. Shirl Love for teaching us that it's okay to be broken, as long as God is in the midst preparing you, building you, and strengthening you for His Glory. Here are some of the wisdom nuggets I pulled from your interview.
1. Never let man distract, discourage or diminish all that God has in store for you.
2. Trust God to build eternal confidence in your soul so that you can serve the outer most reaches of the earth.
3. Do not allow the world to dictate or control the vision God has given you.
4. Never fear ministering to what the world label as the 'least of these.'
5. Serve with an open heart.
6. Always remember that God is the originator of this symphony. He composes, arrange, and aligns the harmony and dissonance in your life. Celebrate the path, 'the road to Damascus moments', knowing that God will harmonize each chord of dissonance, building unrealized crescendo, so that you will conquer all that he has planned for His Glory.
Thanks to Enoch and Rev. Shirl Love
Thank you both for teaching us the importance of valuing our relationships. Thank you for teaching us that ministry and business partnerships can work with God in the Center. From business operations to ministry service, your legacy and love will be shared for generations to come. God Bless.
Enoch Walden Love
Studied at Northern Virginia Community College and Lord Fairfax College as well as Virginia Commonwealth University.
Military USAF – Culinary specialist.
General Motors Assembler
Scope Electronic Research Engineering Controller – Scope Research Inc.
Planning Program Manager
United Parcel Service​
President – CEO Enoch Love INC
Civic Appointed to the Virginia Lottery Board
Daily Planet Homeless Service Provider
President of the Board
Interim Director of Daily Planet
North Carolina A & T School of Engineering Board
Rev. Shirl Love
Rev. Love was called to ministry and licensed in 1998. She was ordained in 2006. While attending Faith Landmarks Ministries, she completed a two year Bible study at Landmarks' Bible Institute and became Department Head over the Nursing Home Ministry and was in charge of eight different Nursing Homes with 32 teachers. Her life changed when she spent two weeks in Haiti as a missionary. There she saw the love of God for his people, working miracle after miracle.
Feeling the call to further her education in Biblical studies, she attended Samuel Proctor School of Theology at Virginia Union University and received her Master of Divinity. After receiving her MDIV, she served as Associate Minister of the Providence Baptist Church in Ashland, Virginia for five years. There she held the position as the youth and children’s minister. Her main focus was to develop and strengthen the spiritual growth of children.
Rev. Love enrolled at Regent University in the Doctor of Ministry program, where she has completed all the course work. She developed a great interest in Transformational Leadership Coaching while studying at Regent University and received certification in “Life Coaching.” To further her studies in coaching, she took a class in “Gifting" to enhance the value of the coaching experience. Rev. Love has held workshops in various areas of Virginia, Philadelphia, PA and Cary, ILL. One of the greatest rewards she has received from life coaching is helping others to get that “aha” moment about themselves.
While serving at Prevailing Word Ministries, Rev. Love served as Assistant to the Pastor, the Youth Pastor, on the senior leadership team, preached, taught and was spokesperson as part of the church’s radio ministry.
As a member of Saint Paul’s Baptist Church of Richmond, Virginia (SPBC) she served on the Shepherd Staff Team at the SPBC Elm Street Campus located in Petersburg, Va. Rev. Love also serves as the team lead in the intercessory ministry.
Rev. Love was founder of Shared Ministries. The purpose of the organization was to assist women in transformational development. As a result of the program, the participants assisted in the design and the development of programs to train other women in transformational growth. Rev. Love is a co-founder of a non-profit organization that works within Petersburg, Va. with women ages 30 to 55, children ages 7 to 12 and men 50 years plus. The purpose of the organization is to improve the quality of life for individuals living in underserved areas and food deserts.
She is currently a member of The Prevailing Word Ministry of Glen Allen, Virginia serving as one of the Pastors in the prophetic ministry and part of the Intercessory team. It is with great joy and satisfaction experiencing the true knowledge and understanding of her purpose while growing in God’s kingdom. Welcome to the Kingdom!
Rev. Love is a protégé of Rev. Wendy Mitchell’s Ministry. She was in Phase IA of her program. This encounter has afforded her the ability to re-examine her journey and to begin to develop her destiny for this season. Self-examination under WMMI has been stimulating, perplex, thought-provoking, educational and inspiring. This has been a life changing event. What great joy to experience the “present” in the “presence” of God!
Now God is during a New Thing as a part of Destiny Point Ministry. The Teem Within through WMMI; Training, Equipping, Empowering Within. (Isaiah 43:19) See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. Rev. Love thanks God for the connection of this powerful ministry.
Rev. Love is also the wife of Enoch W. Love Jr. and the mother of Enoch W. Love lll. She has two grandchildren, LaAsia Denise Love and Enoch W. Love lV.
"I have a charge to preach and to teach, but I can't do it without the anointing of the Holy Spirit." she says. "If He is not there, then I do not want to go."
Romans 8:16 For His Spirit joins with our spirit to affirm that we are God’s children.
Rev. Love's ministry service included
Working with Women in the 21st Center which is a shelter for Homeless Women.
Served in the underserved community teaching them how to grow gardens, and supply fresh vegetables in a dessert place.
Served in the Parks and Recreation Dept teaching children life lessons
Served in the Men on the Front Porch Ministry
Worked with the Gov of VA for reconstituted men for voting rights.