w/ Dr. Karen C. Love
What can we do differently? How do we… …create an environment conducive to growth, development, and empowerment? …teach our people to dream beyond the immediate circumstance? …foster an atmosphere of excellence in this digital age? What strategies are fully vetted, implemented, and supported by higher-level management for attaining high and ethical performance? Let's Discuss!
The Background

The purpose of #FridayNightChats (#FNC or FNC) is to thread Organizational Leadership throughout a full spectrum of industries. Thank you to both e Love Family Christian Foundation and Judson University for providing me with both inspiration and context for affecting change.
What is Organizational Leadership? Is it Human Services or Leadership Development? How does this discipline in Organizational Leadership teach us Strategy, Data Mining, Cultural Competency, Applied Decision Making, and Intergenerational Challenges? How does this discipline teach us how to identify patterns and trends; identify deficiencies in the process; communicate effectively; create a narrative for C-Level individuals? How does Organization Leadership equip and prepare us for C-Level Status?
Through the #FNC platform, leaders from diverse sectors share their leadership development expertise, team dynamics, organizational culture, strategy, data mining, cultural competency, entrepreneurialism with the diversity of thought, dynamism, and change. Our Spring/Summer 2020 topics for discussion were Leading Intelligent Teams. Leadership and the Law. HR Management. Toxic leadership. Leading Global Teams. Women in Supply Chain Management. Innovation. Ethics. Leading the Generation Z cohort. Union Leadership. Eight Strategies to a successful business. Emotional Intelligence and Wellness Strategies. Healthcare in America. Technology Intelligence. Organizational Leadership - Discovering your uniqueness by embracing your weakness. The spring faculty consisted of both domestic and international graduates from the University of Washington State, University of Illinois, University of Miami Law School, DePaul University, Lake Forest Graduate School of Management, Northwestern University, MIT, University of Wisconsin, IIT, Vanderbilt, University of Chicago, Harvard University, Duke University, University of Phoenix, Hampton University, the University of Central Michigan and Judson University. FNC's composition of faculty includes Lawyers, MBAs, Ph.D.'s. Supply Chain Management, Nursing Informatics, and Project Managers.
Many are working for Fortune 500 companies. There are several authors, motivational speakers, and TEDx McHenry and TEDX Zurich guest speakers. This cadre of leaders provides professional expertise for those seeking to gain a broader understanding of Organizational Leadership. Now, it is time to pivot. What can we do differently? Questions for the Faculty are the following: How do we… …create an environment conducive to growth, development, and empowerment? …teach our people to dream beyond the immediate circumstance? …foster an atmosphere of excellence in this digital age? What strategies are fully vetted, implemented, and supported by higher-level management for attaining high and ethical performance? Let's Discuss!
Friday Night Chats with
Dr. Karen Love welcomes
Diana L. Clopton, MBA
School Board Candidate for District #220
Associate Director, Consumer Marketing, Senior Director, Brand Manager, Senior Auditor, Marketing Innovation,
Marketing Strategy & Creative
Topic: Friday Night Chats with Diana L. Clopton
Time: March 17, 2023 06:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Dr. Karen C. Love and #Friday Night Chats Presents the 2022 Lineup. I hope you will join us!
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